Energy Futures

Spring 2014

Image from Novel bromine battery Credit: Stuart Darsch
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Letter from the director

Dear friends,

Innovation is central to solving today’s complex energy challenges, and there is no better place to find cutting-edge innovations than in the labs and classrooms of MIT.

In March, a group of outstanding MIT faculty and I carried this message with us to Houston, Texas, for the annual CERAWeek, one of the world’s preeminent energy conferences. In a room filled largely by energy industry executives, it was innovation that excited the crowd. The faculty demonstrated game-changing technologies coming out of MIT—from transparent solar cells to offshore wind turbines that double as large-scale energy-storage devices. I’ve never been prouder to represent MIT than I was after hearing the applause from this group of leaders.

MIT’s presence at CERAWeek emphasized the vital role that universities play in the innovation pipeline, serving as incubators of talent and technology. Each year, we admit a brand new set of students who come into the Institute asking tough questions that cause us—experienced researchers—to examine conventional reasoning and to think outside the box to find creative solutions to various energy problems.

To help support such creativity, we at the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) award seed funds to promising early-stage research projects that can inject new ideas into the pipeline. Since its beginning, the MITEI Seed Fund Program has supported 129 such projects, with total funding of about $15.8 million. Once again, this year’s call for proposals elicited submissions from faculty across the Institute.

Of the 11 funded projects, more than half are led by faculty new to MITEI who proposed exciting ideas ranging from novel materials for carbon capture, wastewater filtration, and natural gas storage, to a fresh approach for harvesting ambient vibrations to power portable electronics and other devices.

We also support new ideas by using our own backyard—the MIT campus—as a model to put research into action and to demonstrate best practices. One example is “MIT.nano,” a building now being planned that will house state-of-the-art cleanroom, imaging, and prototyping facilities supporting research with nanoscale materials and processes across the campus. Cleanroom facilities are by nature energy-intensive, so MIT.nano is being designed with dozens of special energy-saving features to make the building as efficient and sustainable as possible. Starting in 2018, MIT’s energy researchers will be able to take advantage of the new facilities as they use nanotechnology to achieve printable photovoltaic solar cells, high-performing lithium-air batteries, faster and more energy-efficient chips, and more.

Saving energy in all types of commercial buildings is of paramount importance. Such buildings account for nearly 20% of all US energy consumption, and energy is often the leading operating expense in these buildings. Many promising approaches are being explored to reduce energy use and operating costs in commercial buildings. But there is an added complication: We must make those changes in an age of intermittent renewable energy technologies, evolving smart grids, and distributed generation and storage. To discuss the challenges—and opportunities—involved, MITEI hosted a symposium for its member organizations and stakeholders in early May 2014. We had a stimulating discussion about emerging building efficiency and smart grid technologies, and the financial and regulatory factors surrounding their adoption. We will be synthesizing the findings and analysis from those conversations in the coming months.

We would not be successful in all these efforts without our dedicated faculty, staff, and students, and without the support and engagement of our members, collaborators, and friends. We are grateful for your continued interest in MITEI and hope that you enjoy this issue of Energy Futures.

Professor Robert C. Armstrong
MITEI Director

In This Issue

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Roosevelt Project unveils policy report on iron and steel decarbonization
MITEI’s Future Energy Systems Center launches 12 new projects to accelerate the energy transition

At their Spring Workshop, the Center kicked off a new set of energy projects, with topics ranging from optimizing energy storage to transporting hydrogen energy.

MIT Energy Initiative awards Seed Fund grants to six early-stage energy projects

From decarbonizing chemical processes to developing new types of batteries, the winning projects of this annual award aim to develop solutions targeting net-zero emissions.

Charging ahead

MIT senior Elaine Liu calculates how renewables and EVs impact the grid

Systemic sustainability

At the 2024 Earth Day Colloquium, World Resources Institute President and CEO Ani Dasgupta makes the case that systemic changes in a handful of countries will be critical to meeting global goals for greenhouse gas emissions.

Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks

A novel approach to using clean-burning hydrogen

H2 Underground

At the 2024 MIT Energy Initiative Spring Symposium, experts weighed whether hydrogen stored in the earth might be a practical energy source of the future.

William H. Green named director of MIT Energy Initiative

In his new role, the professor of chemical engineering plans to speed up the consensus process among academics, business leaders, and policymakers for a successful energy transition.

Preparing Taiwan for a decarbonized economy

The MIT Energy Initiative and a consortium of Taiwanese companies are exploring how Taiwan can secure its energy future as the world transitions away from fossil fuels.

Seizing solar’s bright future

With laser-based precision tools for measuring and tuning materials, MIT-spinout Optigon aims to rev up the energy transition

MIT Energy Initiative signs membership renewal with Italian energy firm Eni

Eni membership continues through 2027

Decarbonizing the U.S. power grid

A new MIT online model for regional planning calculates the cost-optimized strategy for specific regions under a variety of constraints and assumptions.

Promising designs for nuclear power reactors using molten salt

Selecting the right metal can alleviate the corrosion problem.

Six innovative energy projects received MIT Energy Initiative Seed Fund grants

Annual MITEI awards support research on carbon removal, novel materials for energy storage, improved power system planning, and more.

Study suggests energy-efficient route to capturing and converting CO2

The findings, based on a single electrochemical process, could help cut emissions from the hardest-to-decarbonize industries, such as steel and cement.

To improve solar and other clean energy tech, look beyond hardware

MIT study finds system deployment processes have been slow to improve over time—but must be addressed to lower clean energy costs in the future.

A delicate dance

Economist Catherine Wolfram balances global energy demands and the pressing need for decarbonization.

Embracing the future we need

MIT Sloan Professor Andy Sun works to improve the electricity grid so it can better use renewable energy.

Moving past the Iron Age

Graduate student Sydney Johnson looks at how to achieve greener steel.

Introducing new students to MIT’s energy landscape

Pre-orientation program for incoming first-year students provided an overview of energy-related activities and research.

Empowering the globe to mitigate climate change through MIT courses

MITx and MIT Energy Initiative launch new series in sustainable energy, design, transportation, and policy.

Power when the sun doesn’t shine

With batteries based on iron and air, Form Energy leverages MIT research to incorporate renewables into the grid.

MIT alumnus’ thermal battery helps industry eliminate fossil fuels

Antora Energy is commercializing a thermal battery that lets manufacturers use renewable energy around the clock.

3 Questions: How are cities managing record-setting temperatures?

Professor of urban and environmental planning David Hsu explains what municipal governments are doing as climate change accelerates.

EFI Foundation-led group selected by Department of Energy for hydrogen market demand project

Demand-side initiative brings together multiple stakeholders to explore market and policy innovations with new entity named the Hydrogen Demand Initiative (H2DI)

The future of motorcycles could be hydrogen

MIT Electric Vehicle Team builds a unique hydrogen fuel cell–powered electric motorcycle.

Yuri Sebregts speaks at a podium. Meeting the clean energy needs of tomorrow

At the MIT Energy Initiative Fall Colloquium, Shell’s chief technology officer laid out two very different potential paths for the decades ahead.

No time to spare

At Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) symposium, women rally to beat the clock on climate change.

How to decarbonize the world, at scale

The MIT Energy Initiative’s Annual Research Conference highlights strategies for implementing large-scale reductions in the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Footnote: How cities are reducing emissions by retrofitting buildings
Footnote: Open SESAME, energy career paths, and the war in Ukraine
Cutting urban carbon emissions by retrofitting buildings

MIT study shows that cities’ plans often won’t achieve their goals; decarbonizing the local grid could make the difference.

Making aviation fuel from biomass

A new MIT technique could be the key.

A healthy wind

Health benefits of using wind energy instead of fossil fuels could quadruple if the most polluting power plants are selected for dialing down, MIT study finds.

Minimizing electric vehicles’ impact on the grid

Careful planning of charging station placement could lessen or eliminate the need for new power plants, a new study shows.

Paper-thin solar cell can turn any surface into a power source

Researchers develop a scalable fabrication technique to produce ultrathin, lightweight solar cells that can be seamlessly added to any surface.

MIT engineers devise technology to prevent fouling in photobioreactors for carbon dioxide capture

Applying a small voltage to the walls of algae growing tanks can prevent cloudy buildup and allow more photosynthesis to happen.

Straight from the cow’s mouth

Desirée Plata aims to capture methane before it warms the climate.

3 Questions: Meet the Tata Fellows
MIT energy storage research highlighted in student slam competition
A welcome new pipeline for students invested in clean energy

FUSars program offers undergraduates in-depth research opportunities in fusion science and energy.

Power to the people

MITEI spinoff Waya Energy helps countries work toward universal access to electricity.

Announcing new hires at MITEI: Heather Leet and J.J. Laukaitis
Panel addresses technologies needed for a net-zero future

Critical needs for curbing greenhouse gases include non-fossil fuel aviation, buildings, electric grids, industrial processes, and the potential of fusion power

Climate goals may take longer, but we’ll get there

Mass. State Senator Mike Barrett describes state’s progress on tackling global warming, remains optimistic despite short-term delays

The answer may be blowing in the wind

Symposium highlights vast potential of offshore turbines in decarbonizing the grid

MIT Energy Initiative director announces retirement

After 50 years on the MIT faculty, Robert Armstrong will retire at the end of June 2023.

Responding to Ukraine’s “ocean of suffering”

Former MIT Energy Initiative researcher Ian Miller funnels aid and expertise to the front line.

To decarbonize the chemical industry, electrify it

Researchers urge industry and the research community to explore electrification pathways to reduce chemical industry emissions.

Flow batteries for grid-scale energy storage

Guiding future research pathways

Using combustion to make lithium-ion batteries

Electricity storage for the energy transition

The MIT Energy Initiative’s Future Energy Systems Center funds nine new projects to propel research advancing decarbonization
A new concept for batteries made from inexpensive, abundant materials

Low-cost backup storage for renewable energy sources

Energy transition could leave fossil energy producers and investors with costly stranded assets
Michael Howland gives wind energy a lift
Sylas Horowitz: Responsive design meets responsibility for the planet’s future
3 Questions: Antje Danielson on energy education and its role in climate action
New multidisciplinary climate change curriculum for high schools aims to engage and mobilize teachers and students
Shrinky Dinks, nail polish, and smelly bacteria

High school students spend their summer building a low-cost fuel cell

MIT spinout Quaise Energy: Working to create geothermal wells made from the deepest holes in the world
3 Questions: Janelle Knox-Hayes on producing renewable energy that communities want
Coming soon in Energy Futures magazine
Winter is coming: Can Europe keep the lights on and homes warm?
The MIT Energy Initiative creates joint framework to educate students with South Korean energy university KENTECH
One of the six novel energy research projects to win an MIT Energy Initiative Seed Fund award will explore the use of space-based remote sensing to monitor energy infrastructure and emissions. Six novel energy research projects win MIT Energy Initiative Seed Fund grants
Decarbonization amid global crises

At the MIT Energy Initiative Fall Colloquium, Philip R. Sharp highlighted dramatic steps the U.S. government has recently taken to combat climate change.

Reversing the charge

Battery power from electric vehicles to the grid could open a fast lane to a net-zero future

Unpacking U.S. climate and infrastructure laws

MIT Energy Initiative Deputy Director Robert Stoner takes stock of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and Inflation Reduction Act, and their potential impacts on the energy transition.

Advancing the energy transition amidst global crises

MIT Energy Initiative Annual Research Conference highlights both opportunities and obstacles in the race to a net-zero future

MIT Energy Initiative welcomes the electricity transmission operator Terna Group to its Future Energy Systems Center
Porous materials designed to trap molecules

Controlling pore openings for maximum capture

Policies to cut carbon emissions

Designing an equitable option

Turning carbon dioxide into valuable products

DNA can help guide the process

MIT announces five flagship projects in first-ever Climate Grand Challenges competition
Center for Electrification and Decarbonization of Industry

Uniting MIT climate researchers to create scalable clean energy solutions under one roof

How to remove dust on solar panels without using water, improving overall efficiency
What choices does the world need to make to keep global warming below two degrees Celsius?
New class explores paths to reducing transportation emissions
Lessons from energy leaders

IAP course connects MIT and global learners with practitioners and experts

Joy Dunn ’08: Bridging careers in aerospace manufacturing and fusion energy with a focus on intentional inclusion
Recent energy graduates reflect on their time at MIT
MIT spinoff Takachar processes waste biomass to reduce airborne emissions
3 Questions: Emre Gençer on the role of blue hydrogen in decarbonizing the world’s energy systems
Making hydrogen power a reality

Hydrogen fuel has long been seen as a potentially key component of a carbon-neutral energy future. At the 2022 MIT Energy Initiative Spring Symposium, four industry experts laid out their efforts to produce it at scale.

Energy storage important to creating affordable, reliable, deeply-decarbonized electricity systems

MIT Energy Initiative report supports energy storage paired with renewable energy to achieve decarbonized electricity systems

Building consensus on concessions

MIT Energy Initiative leaders are helping to push the conversation on ending energy poverty—including at a recent online conference hosted by the government of Ghana.

MIT, NREL researchers develop 40%-efficient thermophotovoltaic cell for grid-scale thermal batteries

Engineers from MIT and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have designed a heat engine with no moving parts that operates similarly to a solar panel’s photovoltaic cells. The engine could be incorporated into a grid-scale thermal battery.

MITEI 2021 Annual Research Conference addresses “Getting to net-zero by 2050”

Speakers call for rapid deployment of integrated strategies to meet global energy needs and mitigate climate change.

Investors awake to the risks of climate change

At the MIT Energy Initiative’s Fall Colloquium, finance executive Poppy Allonby laid out the current state of sustainability thinking among the investor class.

MIT Energy Initiative launches the Future Energy Systems Center

New MITEI consortium focuses on speeding the energy transition, engaging with industrial leaders, to deploy clean energy advances at scale

Using nature’s structures in wooden buildings

Tools for designing with forked tree branches

New England renewables + Canadian hydropower

A pathway to clean electricity in 2050

Chemical reactions for the energy transition

New insights reveal pathways to improvement

MIT-designed project achieves major advance toward fusion energy
MIT study provides suggestions for keeping classroom air fresh during Covid-19 pandemic
MITEI appoints Professor Christopher Knittel as deputy director for policy
Francesco Benedetti: Building communities, founding a startup with people in mind
Latifah Hamzah ’12: Creating sustainable solutions in Malaysia and beyond
Preparing global online learners for the clean energy transition
“Starting from space”: MITEI podcast interviews MIT Vice President for Research Maria Zuber
An energy storage solution like “soft-serve ice cream”

Researchers make the case for a slow-flowing, electrochemical compound as a cost-efficient, grid-scale battery backup for wind and solar

“Vigilant inclusion” central to combating climate change

Tenth annual U.S. C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium focuses on equity and justice in the clean energy transition

Nuclear power and America's clean energy future

Ernest Moniz, Former U.S. Secretary of Energy and MITEI's founding director, joins WBUR's On Point to discuss the new $1 trillion infrastructure plan and the role of nuclear in providing clean energy to America.

MIT Energy Initiative awards seven Seed Fund grants for early-stage energy research

Awards support research to improve the efficiency, scalability, and adoption of clean energy technologies

Coupling power and hydrogen sector pathways to benefit decarbonization goals

MIT-led team finds that holistic optimization of electric power and hydrogen supply chain infrastructure is favorable for emission reductions and decreased infrastructure costs.

#40: Carbon and the cloud
Andy Sun announced as new Associate Professor of Operations Research and Statistics and the Iberdrola-Avangrid Professor of Electric Power Systems at MIT Sloan

Sun will serve as faculty lead of the MIT Energy Initiative's new Future Energy Systems Center

MITEI statement on the successful test of first high-temperature superconducting fusion magnet
3 Questions: Daniel Cohn on the benefits of high-efficiency, flexible fuel engines for heavy-duty trucking
#39: Starting from space
Making the case for hydrogen in a zero-carbon economy
3 Questions: Secretary Kathleen Theoharides on climate and energy in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs discusses the state’s plans to achieve net-zero by 2050 and how to get there.

In memoriam: George P. Shultz PhD ’49 (1920–2021)
Using aluminum and water to make clean hydrogen fuel—when and where it’s needed
Designing better batteries for electric vehicles

Materials selection for scaled-up production

Fine-tuning new materials for energy devices

First look at atomic structure reveals path forward

MITEI researchers build supply chain model to support hydrogen economy
Energy class dives into global problem of technology waste
Awele Uwagwu: From gas to solar, bringing meaningful change to Nigeria’s energy systems
Via Separations: MITEI spin-off takes aim at industrial decarbonization
#38: Sustainable hydropower
#37: Energy decentralization in Africa
Keeping humanity central to solving climate change

MIT scholars are helping to solve the economic, cultural, and political dimensions of the world’s energy and climate challenges.

The MIT Energy Initiative and MIT’s Industrial Liaison Program renew collaborations with Ferrovial

Ferrovial is committing $5 million to support low-carbon energy and sustainable infrastructure research at MIT

#36: Digitalization and the power grid
Collaborators in climate action

Symposium highlights ambitious goals of MIT–industry research targeting technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Powering the energy transition with better storage

MIT and Princeton researchers evaluate the role and value of long-duration energy technologies in securing a carbon-free electric grid

#35: Energy connectivity in Africa
#34: Energy access in Africa and beyond
How can you reduce the environmental impact of your next virtual meeting?

Study uncovers overlooked environmental impacts of internet use by estimating associated carbon, land, and water footprints.

#33: Cost of car ownership
Texas energy crisis could have been avoided with regulation and risk management

Misguided, politically motivated decision to rely on markets alone has caused suffering for millions of Texans.

#32: International Energy Agency
#31: Energy and filmmaking
Photo: Bryce Vickmark 3 Questions: Ernest Moniz on the future of climate and energy under the Biden-Harris administration

Former US energy secretary discusses opportunities and challenges with MITEI Director Robert Armstrong.

Concept for a hybrid-electric plane may reduce aviation’s air pollution problem

Proposed design could reduce nitrogen oxide emissions by 95%, a new study finds.

MITEI’s first virtual Annual Research Conference focuses on developing and deploying key decarbonization technologies

Event focuses on importance of science, students, and scale in the clean energy transition

Envisioning an equitable, inclusive low-carbon future

U.S. C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium convenes virtually, declaring environmental justice key for combating climate change

#30: Building technology
To boost emissions reductions from electric vehicles, know when to charge

MIT researchers develop novel EV emissions model to quantify importance of vehicle charging patterns and impact of ambient temperature on EV emissions levels.

MISTI pilots conversations in energy

The MISTI Career Conversations: Energy program serves as an innovative pivot from international internships to a virtual seminar series.

#29: The science of solar
Remembering friends of MITEI
Encouraging solar energy adoption in rural India

An investigation into household decision making

China’s transition to electric vehicles

Benefits will come, but at what cost?

Building nuclear power plants

Why do costs exceed projections?

Meet the research scientists behind MITEI’s Electric Power Systems Center
Energy interns share remote summer research experiences
MITEI hosts a virtual toast for 2020 Energy Studies Minor graduates
InEnTec: Climate goals expand impact of waste-processing MIT spin-off
Powering through the coming energy transition

Carbon capture and storage are key to achieving climate goals.

Pushing the envelope with fusion magnets

MIT Energy Fellow David Fischer irradiates high-temperature superconducting tape to test its resilience and prepare for the first pilot fusion plant.

#28: America’s largest municipal utility
3 Questions: Fatih Birol on global energy markets and climate trends
Revamped MIT Climate Portal aims to inform and empower the public
3 Questions: The price of privacy in ride-sharing app performance
#27: Climate tech startups
Can industrial-scale green hydrogen be cost-competitive by 2030?
#26: Renewable energy trends
The 2020 MIT Energy Conference organizers. MIT Energy Conference goes virtual

Annual student-run energy conference pivots to successful online event with short notice in response to the coronavirus.

#25: MIT Clean Energy Prize winners
Evaluating battery revenues for offshore wind farms using advanced modeling
Two research projects receive funding to advance technologies that avoid carbon emissions

Asegun Henry, Paul Barton, and Matěj Peč will lead research supported by MITEI’s Center for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage

Assessing the value of battery energy storage in future power grids with increasing integration of wind and solar energy generation
Energy trends in the age of Covid-19

Preview the dashboard currently under development by MITEI researchers

MITEI’s Mobility Systems Center awards four new projects for low-carbon transportation research
#24: Corporate climate strategy
MIT Energy Initiative awards eight Seed Fund grants for early-stage MIT energy research

Awards support research in battery storage, smart grids, and carbon emissions reduction

#23: Energy entrepreneurship
Transportation policymaking in Chinese cities

A new framework for learning from each other

A new approach to CO2 capture

Effective treatment for both exhaust and ambient air

Solar photovoltaics

The benefits outweigh the costs

Energy alumni: Where are they now?
Energy undergrad named 2020 Rhodes Scholar
Nestor Sepulveda: Zeroing in on decarbonization
Swift Solar: Startup with MITEI roots develops lightweight solar panels
Khethworks: Startup deploys solar-powered pumps to help irrigate crops all year long
MIT Climate Symposium: Deep cuts in greenhouse emissions are tough but doable, experts say
#22: A decade in energy
Weekly calls keep students connected to the Institute during a pandemic
MITEI-affiliated faculty inducted into AAAS for 2020
This illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reveals ultrastructural morphology exhibited by coronaviruses. Biotech startup with MIT Tata Center roots produces 15-minute tests for Covid-19
Jing Li, assistant professor of applied economics at MIT.r Energy economics class inspires students to pursue clean energy careers
SESAME postdocs gather for a meeting Open SESAME: Meet the team of postdocs developing MITEI’s energy lifecycle assessment tool
#21: Energy technology evolution
#20: Inside the Department of Energy Labs
MITEI research scientist Emre Gençer. 3 Questions: Emre Gençer discusses the evolving role of hydrogen in the energy system
#19: Energy economics and air pollution
Rebate incentives boost BEV adoption and can be cost-effective when paired with a low-carbon electricity grid, new research finds
Reflections from the 2019 UN Climate Conference

MIT participants discuss their COP25 impressions and projects

MITEI’s 2019 Annual Research Conference highlights “energy at scale” and engagement as levers of decarbonization
Valerie Karplus receives 2019 U.S. C3E Education award Eighth annual U.S. C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium focuses on change agents, mentorship, and importance of amplification in the clean energy transition
John Deutch speaks at a recent MITEI event. A multi-faceted approach to reducing climate damage: John Deutch shares conceptual model of four strategies to address climate change
MIT at COP25

Events and activities of the MIT delegation

#18: Mobility of the Future
Pathways for sustainable personal transportation

MITEI report identifies need for technological innovations, policies, and behavioral changes

Renewable energy and carbon pricing policies

State-level adoption saves money and lives

Manufacturing consumer products

A greener way to make raw materials

Making a remarkable material even better

Transparent aerogels for solar devices, windows

Tracking emissions in China

Good news, some concerns

New type of electrolyte could enhance supercapacitor performance

Novel class of “ionic liquids” may store more energy than conventional electrolytes — with less risk of catching fire.

Study: Even short-lived solar panels can be economically viable

Research shows that, contrary to accepted rule of thumb, a 10- or 15-year lifetime can be good enough.

Julia Ortony: Concocting nanomaterials for energy and environmental applications
Collaboration adds extra dimension to undergraduate research
MIT and UMass students come together for Science Slam
New intercontinental energy workshop sparks educational connections beyond the classroom
Energy Studies Minor updates: Changes offer students broader engagement with energy field
Energy Fellows, 2019–2020
3 Questions: Energy Fellows reflect on their time at MITEI
Chemistry bonds ”quirky” researchers in hard-working Surendranath Lab
Q&A: James Bushnell on electricity markets and deep decarbonization
#17: The age of living machines
ExxonMobil renews support for MIT Energy Initiative’s low-carbon research

Company to join MITEI’s Low-Carbon Energy Centers for Energy Storage and Mobility Systems.

MIT and Eni renew collaboration on low-carbon energy research and technologies
#16: The economics of rooftop solar
#15: Cybersafety
Can hydrogen become part of the climate solution?

The MIT Energy Initiative’s 2019 Spring Symposium investigates the resurgence of global interest in low-carbon hydrogen.

MIT Energy Initiative awards seven Seed Fund grants for early-stage energy research

Annual MITEI awards support research on methane conversion, efficient energy provision, plastics recycling, and more.

#14: Electricity markets
How to speed up the discovery of new solar cell materials
3 Questions: The future of nuclear energy in Japan

TEPCO executive discusses the fallout of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident and Japan’s nuclear energy future.

#13: Artificial intelligence
Protecting our energy infrastructure

New analysis targets cybersafety

Removing CO2 from power plant exhaust

Combining capture and disposal

Finding novel materials for practical devices

New machine learning technique can help

Catherine Drennan: Catalyzing new approaches in research and education to meet the climate challenge
Energy Ventures class proves successful launchpad for students, startups
MITEI launches online energy classes to meet global needs
Hardworking undergraduates enrich MIT’s energy ecosystem
3 Questions: Vladimir Bulović on game-changing solar energy and nanotechnologies
VP for Research Maria Zuber urges outward-facing collaborations at MIT Climate Night

Inaugural event for MIT’s climate action groups showcases ways the Institute is reaching outside its walls to make new contributions on climate change.

3 Questions: Robert Stoner discusses clean energy for India

Tata Center director discusses energy opportunities and challenges for world’s 3rd largest economy.

Earth Day 2019: Students share why they work for a more sustainable future
#12: Batteries and storage
Ernest Moniz receives inaugural public policy award from American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Engaging in “science statesmanship” is essential for path forward on climate and nuclear security, says Moniz.

#11: Game-changing storage
Students helping to make island communities carbon neutral

Using design thinking to solve energy issues on Martha's Vineyard and beyond.

#10: Game-changing materials
Turning desalination waste into a useful resource

Process developed at MIT could turn concentrated brine into useful chemicals, making desalination more efficient.

Solar Spring Break: Inspiring energy students to give back to the community
#9: Game-changing fusion
Observing hydrogen’s effects in metal

Microscopy technique could help researchers design safer reactor vessels or hydrogen storage tanks.

Q&A: Powering the blue economy

Alejandro Moreno on using the ocean as a source of clean energy.

#8: Game-changing solar
Celebrating the achievements of women working to advance clean energy

Now in its 7th year, the C3E Women in Clean Energy Symposium honors its past and present award winners.

Frances Beinecke: Meeting 2030 US climate targets

Past NRDC president speaks on how collective action can advance US climate policies.

#7: Energy trilemma
3 Questions: Kathleen Kennedy on community-level climate resilience at COP24

The executive director of MIT’s Climate CoLab discusses a collaboration with the UN that’s empowering women and farmers to develop local solutions.

“Climate change will not wait for us”

At UN Climate Change Conference, MIT researchers share knowledge and tools to help nations meet Paris Agreement targets.

#6: Climate policy paths
#5: Emissions trading
Technology and policy pathways to Paris Agreement goals

MIT reports advance practical emissions reduction strategies at the regional and country level.

3 Questions: Improving solar cells

Michael Wasielewski on molecular approaches to solar energy conversion.

MIT at COP24 in Katowice, Poland

Events and activities of the MIT delegation.

Energy Fellows, 2018–2019
Christoph Reinhart: Applying physics to the design of energy-efficient buildings
MIT Energy Initiative announces new class of membership geared toward energy startups
Accelerating 3D printing

Faster fabrication, renewable materials

“You don’t learn this in class”: Undergraduate researchers build professional skills
MITEI welcomes Class of 2022 to campus
Saving heat until you need it

A new concept for thermal energy storage

New system recovers fresh water from power plants; prototype installed on MIT’s Central Utility Plant
Grad student Prosper Nyovanie: Powering off-grid communities with scalable solar electric systems
#4: The human environmental nexus
MIT Energy Initiative director opposes US EPA proposal to weaken emission guidelines

MITEI's Director Robert Armstrong submitted a comment to the EPA's recent proposal, which would weaken emissions guidelines. In his letter, Armstrong stated the importance of regulating carbon dioxide as a major driver of climate change.

Understanding how plants use sunlight

Possible pathway to more biomass and crops

#3: The Future of Nuclear Energy
3 Questions: Howard J. Herzog discusses the state of carbon capture
Climate change, “tough tech” startups, and the future of energy intelligence

MITEI Director Robert Armstrong on takeaways from MITEI’s Annual Research Conference

Indonesian company INALUM collaborates with MIT Energy Initiative as a member to advance low-carbon energy technologies

INALUM will support research through MITEI’s Low-Carbon Energy Center for Materials in Energy and Extreme Environments

Student researchers lend their voices and ideas to Future of Nuclear study

Students describe invaluable insights gained from the experience

Study: Adding power choices reduces cost and risk of carbon-free electricity

To curb greenhouse gas emissions, nations, states, and cities should aim for a mix of fuel-saving, flexible, and highly reliable sources.

#2: Firm low-carbon energy resources
MIT Energy Initiative study reports on the future of nuclear energy

Findings suggest new policy models and cost-cutting technologies could help nuclear play vital role in climate solutions

The future of energy: An interview with Aurora Edington

Aurora Edington discusses energy storage systems, grid optimization and policy's role in energy issues.

U.S. Department of Energy to fund Energy Frontier Research Center at MIT

MIT Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport part of DOE initiative to advance basic science research for a transforming energy landscape

#1: Negative carbon emissions
3 Questions: Bringing solar materials from the lab to the world

Giovanni Azzellino, an Eni-MIT Energy Fellow, discusses the applications and challenges of his research, which focuses on using graphene to create electrodes for thin-film photovoltaics.

3 Questions: Passive buildings rise in popularity and necessity

Katrin Klingenberg, the co-founder and executive director of Passive House Institute US, discusses her design philosophy and how passive buildings can support the low-carbon energy movement.

Buongiorno and Ulm to collaborate on $1.9M DOE grant to accelerate advanced nuclear technology development

MITEI researchers Jacopo Buongiorno and Franz-Josef Ulm will begin working on the DOE-funded project on nuclear technology

3 Questions: “Winning together” in natural resources negotiation and leadership

Bruno Verdini, executive director of the MIT-Harvard Mexico Negotiation program, discusses his award-winning research on negotiating for mutual gains

3 Questions: Ernest Moniz on the Vatican climate dialogue

Professor emeritus and former U.S. energy secretary reflects on recent meeting with Pope Francis and energy and finance leaders.

Undergrads present research at MITEI conference
A new era in fusion research at MIT

Novel collaboration aims to commercialize fusion power

Natural resource negotiations for mutual gains

Resolving conflicts through proactive collaboration

Fabrication of new materials

Designing “recipes” using artificial intelligence

Getting the world off dirty diesels

Gasoline-alcohol engines for heavy-duty trucks

Professor John Heywood: The future of the internal combustion engine
Keeping the balance: How flexible nuclear operation can help add more wind and solar to the grid

Optimization model shows that operating nuclear plants flexibly can reduce electricity costs, increase revenue for nuclear plants, and cut CO2 emissions in electric power systems.

MIT Energy Initiative awards nine Seed Fund grants for early-stage energy research

Awardees will use grants to advance research in areas including energy storage, renewables expansion modeling, and the chemistry of electrocatalysts.

Kristala Prather: Advancing energy-efficient biochemistry and training tomorrow’s scientists and engineers
New energy studies class examines technical and social drivers of global energy systems
Writing takes center stage in Physics of Energy class
Energy alumni: Where are they now?
Maximizing innovation for an energy sector in flux

Decarbonization, digitization, and decentralization were focal points at the MIT Energy Initiative’s Annual Research Conference.

MIT Energy Conference speakers say transformation can happen fast

New technologies, systems, and business models are rapidly changing the energy landscape, experts attest.

Cooling buildings worldwide

Analysis points the way to energy-efficient systems

3 Questions: New England’s wholesale electricity markets

Abigail Krich, founder and CEO of Boreas Renewables, discusses the incompatibility of New England’s electricity market structure with achieving carbon emissions reduction goals.

IHI Corporation collaborates with MIT Energy Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance clean energy

Tokyo-based company will support research within MITEI’s Low-Carbon Energy Center for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage.

C3E announces Texas A&M Energy Institute joining collaborative effort to advance women’s leadership in clean energy

The new partnership will broaden the geographic reach and diversity representation of the United States C3E program and help further promote women’s leadership in the energy sector.

Mircea Dincă: Searching for materials that collect and store energy
Tata Center adds eight new projects to its 2018-2019 portfolio

MIT principal investigators will receive funding and support for projects seeking an impact in the developing world.

Professor Joseph Sussman, expert in complex engineering systems and revered mentor, dies at 79

Leader in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Institute for Data, Systems, and Society was the inaugural JR East Professor.

MIT hosts Saudi-U.S. innovation forum

Gathering focuses on spurring new directions for economic development.

3 Questions: Innovating for the clean energy economy

Daniel Kammen of the University of California at Berkeley discusses current efforts in clean energy innovation and implementation, and what's coming next.

3 Questions: The future of our transportation systems

Daniel Sperling of the University of California, Davis, discusses the major transformations in store for mobility

Charting gas and oil’s future in a decarbonizing world

New analytical method addressing the dynamic nature of the petroleum industry could enable more accurate energy scenarios.

Reducing risk in power generation planning

Why including non-carbon options is key

Quantum dot materials

Optimizing nanostructures for energy devices

New technique allows rapid screening for new types of solar cells
Exploring ethical dimensions of climate negotiation
Carbon-nanotube electrodes

Tailoring designs for energy storage, desalination

Energy Fellows, 2017–2018
Clean Energy Education & Empowerment (C3E) US initiative announces 2017 awardees
New chair of Energy Minor Oversight Committee envisions changes for Energy Studies Minor
MIT conference seeks solutions for reconstruction in devastated Caribbean
Undergrads gain on-the-job experience in energy with MITEI member companies
Jennifer Rupp: Engineering ceramics for renewable energy and information applications
Jing Li: Applying economics to energy technology development and deployment
Making appliances—and energy grids—more efficient
New textbook on physics of energy

A comprehensive introduction to the principles governing energy sources, uses, and systems

Q&A with Low-Carbon Energy Center for Electric Power Systems Research co-directors
Q&A with Low-Carbon Energy Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems co-directors
A bipartisan message of clean energy progress

In the face of global challenges, leading women in energy and climate convene at the C3E 2017 Clean Energy Symposium.

3 Questions: Norman Augustine on planning for “certain uncertainties” in the energy sector

Former Lockheed Martin CEO discusses how to take risk into account while shaping the future of energy.

3 Questions: The future of solar 

U.S. Department of Energy’s Becca Jones-Albertus on the future of the solar and energy storage markets

Howard Gruenspecht joins MIT Energy Initiative as senior energy economist

Longtime federal official brings extensive energy data and analysis experience.

MQDC collaborates with MIT Energy Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the property sector
Show the flow

A novel hand-held laboratory reveals hidden subterranean fluid movement.

No more blackouts?

New framework guarantees stability of microgrids that supply local power in developing countries.

Strong current of energy runs through MIT

Research, education, and student activities help create a robust community focused on fueling the world's future.

3 Questions: Robert Armstrong on 10 years of energy research at MIT

MIT Energy Initiative Director Robert Armstrong shares perspectives on past successes and ongoing and future energy projects at the Institute.

Artificial intelligence aids materials fabrication

System could pore through millions of research papers to extract “recipes” for producing materials.

Energy transition through aesthetics and culture

MIT Energy Initiative seminar examines the role of the humanities, design, and aesthetics in catalyzing a fairer, more diverse energy future.

3 Questions: Robert Granetz on fusion research

MIT research scientist is exploring how machine learning can predict and prevent disruptions in reactors.

The Engine announces investments in first group of startups

New venture launched by MIT will support “tough-tech” companies at work on transformative ideas that take time to commercialize.

Kaylee de Soto: A game changer

Incoming freshman refreshes Plasma Science and Fusion Center outreach tools.

Shell executive describes inevitable transition to carbon-free energy

Harry Brekelmans says Shell has significant commitment to renewable energy, carbon pricing.

MIT study on nuclear energy in a carbon-constrained world receives support from Shell
Researchers clarify mystery about proposed battery material

Study explains conflicting results from other experiments, may lead to batteries with more energy per pound.

3 Questions: The future of the electric utility
State-level renewable energy policies: Strengthening critical public support
NSE’s Jacopo Buongiorno named 2017 Fellow of American Nuclear Society
Anantha Chandrakasan named dean of School of Engineering
Iberdrola and MIT Energy Initiative announce $10.3 million collaboration to spur energy and environmental innovation
Energy Futures magazine Spring 2017 issue released
Q&A with Low-Carbon Energy Center for Energy Bioscience Research co-directors
Transparent, flexible solar cells combine organic materials, graphene electrodes
Limiting global warming: More aggressive measures are needed
Releasing oxygen from water: Better catalysts for energy storage devices
Building bonds in chemistry, laying the foundation for new energy technologies
Students gain skills, insights working on Utility of the Future study
MIT undergraduates learn under the sun during MITEI’s Solar Spring Break
New elective hits sweet spot for energy students
Energy Studies Minor alumni: Where are they now?
MITEI welcomes five new faculty members to Energy Education Task Force
Q&A with Low-Carbon Energy Center for Fusion and Magnet Research co-directors
Liquid tin-sulfur compound shows thermoelectric potential
MITEI Director Robert Armstrong: Paris Agreement withdrawal constrains U.S. energy innovation leadership and global influence
Tackling air pollution in China
3 Questions: Gail Brager on optimizing energy use and performance of buildings
3 Questions: John Deutch on grid decarbonization policies
High-temperature devices made from films that bend as they “breathe”
MIT opens its energy-use data to the MIT community
Design of electric motors, generators, and drive systems course
Microscopic answers to humanity’s looming questions about food, water, and energy
MIT Energy Initiative awards 10 Seed Fund grants for early-stage energy research
Predicting productivity: MIT researchers reveal bias in current unconventional oil and gas well modeling
A tax plan to stop climate change
Solstice wins MIT Clean Energy Prize with efficient metering for developing nations
Graphene holds up under high pressure
Dr. Ernest J. Moniz named first distinguished fellow of Emerson Collective
Clean power planning
ENN Group becomes MIT Energy Initiative member to advance energy storage technologies
Researchers design coatings to prevent pipeline clogging
How some battery materials expand without cracking
New study will explore future of transportation
Exelon Generation provides CANES funding for research on advanced nuclear fuel cladding coatings
Buongiorno awarded grant from EDF for study “Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World
The energy/comfort nexus: Making buildings work for people and the planet
Can technology unlock ‘unburnable carbon’?
Multi-university effort will advance materials, define the future of mobility
Combined energy and water system could provide for millions
Setting the pace for change in the energy sector
3 Questions: Lourdes Melgar on Mexico’s energy reform
3 Questions with Eli Yablonovitch, the physicist who paved the way for record-breaking solar cells
Celebrating the homecoming of Ernest Moniz
Mapping the effects of crystal defects
Iodine may protect batteries
Making energy storage so simple it’s “boring”
Study: Volkswagen’s excess emissions will lead to 1,200 premature deaths in Europe
MIT Energy Initiative Low-Carbon Energy Center directors share vision for collaborative research
3 Questions: Maria Zuber, daughter of coal country
Solar panels get a face-lift with custom designs
Researchers devise efficient power converter for internet of things
Modeling the unequal benefits of U.S. environmental policy
Chemical engineers boost bacteria’s productivity
Eight MIT faculty elected to the National Academy of Engineering
Concrete Sustainability Hub welcomes Panamanian government officials
Mexico’s energy reform: Foundation, implementation, and challenges ahead
A great solar cell has to be a great LED: So what’s wrong with subsidized solar panels?
Toward all-solid lithium batteries
Zeroing in on the chemistry of the air
MIT, Conservation International announce collaboration on climate adaptation and mitigation
Smart city fixtures
3 Questions: Apurba Sakti on improving energy storage modeling
Brandon Sorbom: Designing a fusion future
Mapping out a low-carbon future
Kripa Varanasi: Innovating at interfaces
A step toward renewable diesel
MIT and Eni extend energy collaboration
Campus greenhouse gas emissions down 7 percent since 2014
Startup offers “online booking” for industrial water
Study: Some catalysts contribute their own oxygen for reactions
John Kerry: Climate drive an urgent “race against time”
U.S. Department of Energy announces MIT Energy Initiative among members of new Manufacturing USA Institute
Touring MIT’s nuclear facilities
Study shows hydraulic fracturing boosts local economies
MIT Solve sources solutions for grand challenges
Green Labs contest: A certified success
3 Questions: Seeking concrete solutions to an environmental issue
MIT Energy Initiative report provides guidance for evolving electric power sector
Nuclear engineering student advocates for change on campus and Capitol Hill
Printable electronics
Plan B: Fossil fuels without CO2
Q&As with Low-Carbon Energy Center co-directors
Energy-efficient design: Helping architects weigh their options
Moving away from fossil fuel energy? Not without aggressive policy action
Advanced silicon solar cells: Detecting defects that reduce efficiency
Converting carbon dioxide to fuels: A method of fossil resource recycling
Biomass torrefaction: Tapping the hidden value of farm waste
New faculty strengthen, broaden MIT’s energy expertise
Energy Fellows, 2016–2017
Research assistants gain skills and advance knowledge at energy’s cutting edge
A piece of the action: Students find niche in low-carbon energy research
How online tools and open innovation can support implementation of Paris Agreement goals
Inside tiny tubes, water turns solid when it should be boiling
3Q with Michael Davidson
Forging ahead on climate action
At forum, MIT community tackles tough ethical questions of climate change
Enabling China to shift from coal to natural gas
Stephen R. Connors, leading alternative energy researcher, dies at 58
Accelerating energy and climate solutions: Paris, Marrakech, and pathways forward
Seeking to inform India’s climate policy choices
Turning greenhouse gas into gasoline
Fusing theory and practice
Re-engineering the sprinkler
3Q with Jacob Karni
Electricity Market Design: Political Economy and the Clean Energy Transition
A new outlet for student energy under the Dome
What’s the best way for Europe to curb greenhouse emissions from cars?
MIT at COP22 in Marrakech
3 Questions: William Bonvillian on connecting Cambridge and Capitol Hill
Battery challenges: cost and performance
Ahmed Ghoniem is honored by the American Physical Society
MIT launches new venture for world-changing entrepreneurs
Why have solar energy costs fallen?
The Future of Energy Supply—Hitting the Right Balance, with Roberto Casula, Eni
Electric motors find new roles in robots, ships, cars, and microgrids
Gregory Stephanopoulos receives Samson Prize for Innovation in Alternative Fuels
With new model, buildings may “sense” internal damage
3 Questions: Maria Zuber on stepping up MIT’s response to climate change
MIT to neutralize 17 percent of carbon emissions through purchase of solar energy
New record for fusion
ExxonMobil joins MIT Energy Initiative’s low-carbon technology R&D program
New kind of supercapacitor made without carbon
Tata Center Symposium seeks collaboration for a better world
Water vapor sets some oxides aflutter
Benoit Forget: Unraveling complexities of nuclear reactors
Engaging industry in addressing climate change
Study: Low-emissions vehicles are less expensive overall
How data can help change the world
Energy orientation introduces freshmen to low-carbon technologies on campus and in the region
Calculating the financial risks of renewable energy
Fleet-wide monitoring of offshore wind farms for failure prognosis
MIT and French research institutions collaborate on climate-conscious materials
New applications for ultracapacitors
New Vistas in Electrochemical Energy Storage
MIT, Québec research institutions launch initiative to analyze low-carbon energy policy options
Designing safe, cheap batteries for grid level storage
In batteries, a metal reveals its dual personality
MIT Energy Initiative welcomes GE as new member and participant in Low-Carbon Energy Centers
GE Joins MIT Energy Initiative to Develop Advanced Technology Solutions for Transforming Global Energy Systems
New solar cell is more efficient, costs less than its counterparts
New method developed for producing some metals
Study reveals new physics of how fluids flow in porous media
Sponge creates steam using ambient sunlight
Doubling battery power of consumer electronics
Can today’s EVs make a dent in climate change?
CNBC features MITEI’s energy education and research
MIT develops self-shading windows
Research by MIT undergrad helps crack chemical mystery
New lithium-oxygen battery greatly improves energy efficiency, longevity
Microbial engineering technique could reduce contamination in biofermentation plants
Meeting climate goals through international carbon markets
What’s wasting power at home? Ask your app!
Data-driven approach to pavement management lowers greenhouse gas emissions
CEE announces new leadership appointments
Market makers
Collaborating to Decarbonize the Future
The quest for clean water
Buongiorno, Whyte win Sloan Foundation grant
Studying the role of Australian natural resources in a low-carbon future
MIT announces Solve program activities
Duane Boning named LeBel Professor
MIT Energy Initiative to contribute clean energy innovation expertise on coalition for White House’s Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute
Leading and transforming the global energy sector to address climate change
Anne White: A passion for plasma
Making India’s waste streams sustainable
Mapping coal’s decline and renewables’ rise
Winds of change?
A smart water grid for the Indus Basin
Researchers find a way to extend life and improve performance of fuel cell electrodes
New solar absorber could improve efficiency of solar thermal technology
Researchers discover new way to turn electricity into light, using graphene
Storage technologies for renewable energy can pay off
Technology and Policy Program celebrates 40 years
Frankfurter Allgemeine Forum Energy Security Summit Interview with Alexander Slocum
Using engineering savvy to improve product designs
Physicists predict previously unseen phenomena in exotic materials
Stepping out of their comfort zone
MIT 2016 energy grads launch careers in research, engineering, and analysis
Making cities smarter
MITEI’s Low-Carbon Energy Centers
Reducing emissions, improving technology: A mutually reinforcing cycle
Fluorescent polymer gels: Light-emitting sensors that self-repair
Designing climate-friendly concrete—from the nanoscale up
Regulating particulate pollution: Novel analysis yields new insights
Air quality sensors
John Fernandez: Growing grassroots for sustainability on campus and abroad
New electives augment undergraduate energy curriculum
Energy Studies Minor alumni: Where are they now?
Porous materials workshop in France focuses on nuclear industry
Scrutinizing radiation’s impact
Biofuels: Too early or too late?
Addressing energy technologies and policies that shape future sustainability
Nine Women to Receive U.S. Clean Energy Education & Empowerment (C3E) Awards
Finding wonderland
Finding a new formula for concrete
Maria Zuber elected as chair of the National Science Board
New concept turns battery technology upside-down
Markus Buehler awarded Foresight Institute Feynman Prize for advances in nanotechnology
Target coal or carbon?
Hot new solar cell
Light can “heal” defects in some solar cells
Porkolab honored by Hungarian Academy of Sciences
New nanoparticle catalysts could reduce need for precious metals
MIT joins Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition
The geography of carbon pricing
Metals aficionado
Original MIT building restored for another 100 years
Carbon pricing under binding political constraints
New model from Masdar Institute-MIT collaboration to support a cooler, more sustainable Abu Dhabi
Ken Oye and the art of sociotechnical problem-solving
Four MIT professors elected to the American Philosophical Society
Two from MIT win Architectural League of New York honors
Nuno Loureiro: A theorist seeks the elusive fundamentals of magnetic reconnection
Helping cities move toward sustainable consumption
Fusion outreach ignites in spring
CEE announces three new professorships
Martin Bazant named inaugural Edwin G. Roos ’44 Professor
The tenured engineers of 2016
Researchers find unexpected magnetic effect
Towards a Political Economy Framework for Wind Power
MIT announces Campaign for a Better World
Achieving zero resistance in energy flow
J. Meejin Yoon receives 2016 ACADIA Teaching Award of Excellence
An economist’s take on climate change: the Paris agreement and the post-2020 world
Innovation imperative is clear at 8th annual MIT Sustainability Summit
Exxon launches carbon capture scheme
MIT team’s “brain” for microgrids wins Clean Energy Prize
3 Questions: Amit Kumar and Gregory Stephanopoulos on turning waste gases into biofuels
Carolyn Coyle: Engineering CRUD for better nuclear reactors
Solve Talks at Google: The Green Dream — Powering the World with Clean Energy
Higher coal use in Asia could increase water stress
MITEI energizes visitors at the MIT Open House
A new lens on suburbia
MIT outlines progress on its five-year climate action plan
Designing a better built environment
How much of a difference will the Paris Agreement make?
Mircea Dincă wins National Science Foundation’s Alan T. Waterman Award
Balancing realism and hope for the future
How to make cities more energy efficient
Making electronics out of coal
U.S. Department of Energy leaders highlight clean energy research, career opportunities
MIT researchers look to the future
Tata Center announces new projects for 2016-2017
Rock, drill bit, microwave: Paul Woskov explores a new path through the Earth’s crust
MIT Energy Initiative awards nine Seed Fund grants for early-stage energy research
Two MIT faculty win 2016 NSF CAREER Awards
Robert Armstrong at CERA 2016
Faculty highlight: Alexie Kolpak
Hybrid system could cut coal-plant emissions in half
A new mechanism for catalyzing the splitting of water
MIT Energy Initiative and AVANGRID collaborate to study the future of the electricity industry
Arcturus homecoming
How to make metal alloys that stand up to hydrogen
A window on nuclear science and engineering at MIT
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