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Seed Fund

The MIT Energy Initiative Seed Fund Program supports innovative, early-stage research across the energy spectrum. <a href="/funding/" class="link--arrow link--arrow-blue">Read more</a>

Incentives for green technology adoption: Getting government subsidies right
Fine-tuning porous materials for energy-efficient air conditioning
Designing high-speed motors for energy storage and more
MITEI Seed Fund Call
Underground storage of carbon dioxide
Large-scale irrigation
Novel slippery surfaces: Improving steam turbines and ketchup bottles
MIT Energy Initiative announces 2013 seed grant awards
Energy-efficient computing
Building façades that move, textiles that illuminate
Creating tomorrow’s home: ‘Soft’ but resilient
Reducing wasted energy in commercial buildings
Stress corrosion cracking
Programs for green cities
Reaching underground resources
A novel ultracapacitor
Converting plant waste into biofuels
Tomorrow’s power grid
Making Electricity with Photovoltaics
MIT Energy Initiative announces latest seed grant awards (2012)
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