On April 19, 2012, MITEI hosted the symposium entitled “Prospects for Flexible- and Bi-Fuel Light Duty Vehicles,” sponsored by MITEI members Cummins, Hess, Entergy and Exelon. The symposium was part of the MIT Energy Initiatives symposium series, designed to bring together subject matter experts for a day-long, highly informed and interactive discussion of timely energy issues. The objective: to provide policy makers, industry, academia and non-governmental organizations with analysis, data and findings to inform their policy development and decision-making on a critical topic.
This symposium focused on providing the research, investment and policy communities with a technically-grounded picture of vehicle and infrastructure requirements for and barriers to scale-up of a personal transportation system based on flexible use of alternative fuels. This included both flex-fuel (blended liquid fuels) and bi-fuel (separate fuel tanks) operation. The context was the prospects for significant scale within 10-20 years, with a principal focus on the US, and relevant experiences in other parts of the world.
Additional Materials
Worldwide Unconventional Gas Potential: Energy Security and GHG Emissions
Carmine Difiglio, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Analysis, Office of Policy and International Affairs, US DOE
Background: US Alternative Fuel Policies and Methanol
Carmine Difiglio, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Analysis, Office of Policy and International Affairs, US DOE
MOU, Twelve Governnors, Natural Gas Vehicles
Testimony by Dr. Gal Luft Presented before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs: Changing Energy Markets and US National Security
Demand for Natural Gas as a Transportation Fuel (excerpt from The Future of Natural Gas)
The Role of Natural Gas as a Vehicle Transportation Fuel (thesis 2010), by Paul Jarod Murphy
An Overview of Alternative Fuel Costs and Properties, Current Policy Regulations, and Global Experiences of Flexible- and Bi-fuel Light Duty Vehicles, Alice Chao, Leebong Lee