
What does the Paris agreement mean for you?

Perspectives from Robert Stoner, Director of the MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design, and Deputy Director for Science and Technology at MIT Energy Initiative


The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently asked people across the world to answer the question “What does the Paris agreement mean for you?” The project’s main motive is to bring support from leaders of all levels-local, national, and international- in order to spread the word about the success of the agreement. MIT’s Robert Stoner, Director of the MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design, and Deputy Director for Science and Technology at MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI), shared his perspectives in a 30 second video.

“The most important thing to come out of Paris was that it represented a call to action, not talk, on the part of essentially every nation on the planet,” says Stoner, adding: “We still need to develop a broad mix of affordable technologies and understand how to implement them[…]”

Watch the video and share your own on social media using the hashtag#Means4Me.

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