News & events


Empowering the globe to mitigate climate change through MIT courses

MITx and MIT Energy Initiative launch new series in sustainable energy, design, transportation, and policy.

Power when the sun doesn’t shine

With batteries based on iron and air, Form Energy leverages MIT research to incorporate renewables into the grid.

MIT alumnus’ thermal battery helps industry eliminate fossil fuels

Antora Energy is commercializing a thermal battery that lets manufacturers use renewable energy around the clock.

3 Questions: How are cities managing record-setting temperatures?

Professor of urban and environmental planning David Hsu explains what municipal governments are doing as climate change accelerates.

EFI Foundation-led group selected by Department of Energy for hydrogen market demand project

Demand-side initiative brings together multiple stakeholders to explore market and policy innovations with new entity named the Hydrogen Demand Initiative (H2DI)

The future of motorcycles could be hydrogen

MIT Electric Vehicle Team builds a unique hydrogen fuel cell–powered electric motorcycle.

Yuri Sebregts speaks at a podium. Meeting the clean energy needs of tomorrow

At the MIT Energy Initiative Fall Colloquium, Shell’s chief technology officer laid out two very different potential paths for the decades ahead.

No time to spare

At Clean Energy Education and Empowerment (C3E) symposium, women rally to beat the clock on climate change.

How to decarbonize the world, at scale

The MIT Energy Initiative’s Annual Research Conference highlights strategies for implementing large-scale reductions in the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Cutting urban carbon emissions by retrofitting buildings

MIT study shows that cities’ plans often won’t achieve their goals; decarbonizing the local grid could make the difference.

Making aviation fuel from biomass

A new MIT technique could be the key.

A healthy wind

Health benefits of using wind energy instead of fossil fuels could quadruple if the most polluting power plants are selected for dialing down, MIT study finds.

Minimizing electric vehicles’ impact on the grid

Careful planning of charging station placement could lessen or eliminate the need for new power plants, a new study shows.

Paper-thin solar cell can turn any surface into a power source

Researchers develop a scalable fabrication technique to produce ultrathin, lightweight solar cells that can be seamlessly added to any surface.

MIT engineers devise technology to prevent fouling in photobioreactors for carbon dioxide capture

Applying a small voltage to the walls of algae growing tanks can prevent cloudy buildup and allow more photosynthesis to happen.

Straight from the cow’s mouth

Desirée Plata aims to capture methane before it warms the climate.

3 Questions: Meet the Tata Fellows
MIT energy storage research highlighted in student slam competition
A welcome new pipeline for students invested in clean energy

FUSars program offers undergraduates in-depth research opportunities in fusion science and energy.

Power to the people

MITEI spinoff Waya Energy helps countries work toward universal access to electricity.

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