News & events


Systemic sustainability

At the 2024 Earth Day Colloquium, World Resources Institute President and CEO Ani Dasgupta makes the case that systemic changes in a handful of countries will be critical to meeting global goals for greenhouse gas emissions.

Reducing carbon emissions from long-haul trucks

A novel approach to using clean-burning hydrogen

H2 Underground

At the 2024 MIT Energy Initiative Spring Symposium, experts weighed whether hydrogen stored in the earth might be a practical energy source of the future.

William H. Green named director of MIT Energy Initiative

In his new role, the professor of chemical engineering plans to speed up the consensus process among academics, business leaders, and policymakers for a successful energy transition.

Preparing Taiwan for a decarbonized economy

The MIT Energy Initiative and a consortium of Taiwanese companies are exploring how Taiwan can secure its energy future as the world transitions away from fossil fuels.

Seizing solar’s bright future

With laser-based precision tools for measuring and tuning materials, MIT-spinout Optigon aims to rev up the energy transition

MIT Energy Initiative signs membership renewal with Italian energy firm Eni

Eni membership continues through 2027

Decarbonizing the U.S. power grid

A new MIT online model for regional planning calculates the cost-optimized strategy for specific regions under a variety of constraints and assumptions.

Promising designs for nuclear power reactors using molten salt

Selecting the right metal can alleviate the corrosion problem.

Six innovative energy projects received MIT Energy Initiative Seed Fund grants

Annual MITEI awards support research on carbon removal, novel materials for energy storage, improved power system planning, and more.

Study suggests energy-efficient route to capturing and converting CO2

The findings, based on a single electrochemical process, could help cut emissions from the hardest-to-decarbonize industries, such as steel and cement.

To improve solar and other clean energy tech, look beyond hardware

MIT study finds system deployment processes have been slow to improve over time—but must be addressed to lower clean energy costs in the future.

A delicate dance

Economist Catherine Wolfram balances global energy demands and the pressing need for decarbonization.

Embracing the future we need

MIT Sloan Professor Andy Sun works to improve the electricity grid so it can better use renewable energy.

Moving past the Iron Age

Graduate student Sydney Johnson looks at how to achieve greener steel.

Introducing new students to MIT’s energy landscape

Pre-orientation program for incoming first-year students provided an overview of energy-related activities and research.

Empowering the globe to mitigate climate change through MIT courses

MITx and MIT Energy Initiative launch new series in sustainable energy, design, transportation, and policy.

Power when the sun doesn’t shine

With batteries based on iron and air, Form Energy leverages MIT research to incorporate renewables into the grid.

MIT alumnus’ thermal battery helps industry eliminate fossil fuels

Antora Energy is commercializing a thermal battery that lets manufacturers use renewable energy around the clock.

3 Questions: How are cities managing record-setting temperatures?

Professor of urban and environmental planning David Hsu explains what municipal governments are doing as climate change accelerates.

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