07/26/2022 10:00 am-12:00 pm ET
07/26/2022 10:00 am-12:00 pm ET
The MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) recently released The Future of Energy Storage report—the culmination of more than three years of research by faculty, scientists, engineers, and researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. While it focuses on the mid-century time horizon, the report also examines the range of technologies that will be important in the unfolding decarbonization of the electric grid. These include electrochemical, thermal, compressed air, and pumped storage technologies, as well as hydrogen. The report further addresses the role the federal government should play in advancing new technologies and adapting regulation to accommodate a future in which storage plays a prominent role.
In this webinar series, report authors will present the major sections of the report in one-hour sessions for a technical audience with ample time for Q&A. Sessions will be moderated by MITEI Director Robert Armstrong and MITEI Deputy Director Robert Stoner.
Download the report and Executive Summary here.
Tuesday, July 26
10:00 am ET Electrochemical battery technology
Watch the recording.
Moderator: Robert C. Armstrong, Director, MIT Energy Initiative; Chevron Professor of Chemical Engineering
11:00 am ET Materials for energy storage
Watch the recording.
Learn more about the July 27 webinar.
Learn more about the July 28 webinar.