Undergraduate education

Your MITEI undergraduate education starts with opportunities before your first year and extends beyond graduation. Current programs include:

First-year Pre-Orientation Program (FPOP): Before classes start in your first year, learn about energy opportunities at MIT and get a feel for the energy community on campus and beyond. Learn more.

Energy Studies Minor: Build an integrative understanding of energy and gain the skills required of tomorrow’s energy professionals, leaders, and innovators. Learn more.

Undergraduate Research (UROP): MITEI funds and supports undergraduate research year-round both at MITEI and across the Institute. Learn more.

Undergraduate Academic and Professional Development Grant: This grant is now open to any currently enrolled MIT undergraduate students. This funding can be used for registration and/or transportation expenses to attend an energy-related conference where the grantee will present an energy-related poster or paper, or is invited as a panelist or discussant in an energy-related forum OR professional development activities including but not limited to energy-related seminars, workshops, conferences, and meetings. See more details and apply here.


International study: In collaboration with the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives office (MISTI), MITEI supports study abroad opportunities and international internships for undergraduate and graduate students. Learn more.

NEET: MIT’s New Engineering Education Transformation (NEET) initiative is a way for you to connect what you learn as an engineering student with ideas and theories from other courses. As a NEET student, you’ll pursue projects that use engineering techniques to address societal needs and prepare you to be an entrepreneur, innovator, and discoverer. Among the interdisciplinary paths or “threads” students can pursue starting sophomore year is the Climate and Sustainability Systems thread. If you pursue this thread, we’ll help you explore the many opportunities that work in the energy field can provide. Learn more.