The MIT Energy Initiative’s energy education and research efforts are the focus of a new CNBC series on sustainable energy. In the segment, which aired this week, MITEI’s director of education Antje Danielson described the Initiative’s robust program:
When the MIT Energy Initiative was founded, we added a focus on energy education here at MIT… To maintain this focus, we created an energy education ecosystem.
Antje Danielson, Director of Education, MIT Energy Initiative
The segment also features chemical engineering research engineer Jean-François Hamel discussing his federally funded biofuels research and the importance of MITEI’s energy curriculum in training future leaders. Natasha Wright, a graduate student in mechanical engineering who is also a fellow with the Tata Center for Technology and Design, talks about the importance of multidisciplinary research that transitions technologies into the world. Graduate student Joel Jean, a researcher in professor Vladimir Bulović‘s solar laboratory, can be seen demonstrating lab equipment and talking with classmate Tony Wu about their CoalMap tool. MIT VP for Open Learning Sanjay Sarma talks about how edX has made it possible for people around the world to enjoy learning opportunities through OpenCourseware.
Go to 4:50 in the video for the MIT portion of the segment, or watch the entire segment to see other international sustainable energy efforts.