Duel in the sun
A simple model to help understand water use at power plants
What works and why? Evaluating the effectiveness of cities’ sustainability initiatives
An overview of coal based Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) technology
A survey of public attitudes towards energy and environment in Great Britain
Understanding demand: The missing link in efficient electricity markets
A possible notion of short-term value-based reliability
Dynamic investment in electricity markets and its impact on system reliability
Possible decision tools for transmission service and pricing in the evolving electricity markets
Assessment of transmission congestion for major electricity markets in the U.S.
Interruptible physical transmission contracts for congestion management
Independent Transmission Company (ITC) for profit and markets for transmission
Price-cap regulation for transmission: Objectives and tariffs
Secondary market for transmission and supporting infrastructures
Efficient implementation of inter-regional transactions
Decision criteria for the deployment of distributed generation technologies
Comments to the FERC docket no. RT01 — 01 regarding formation of the RTOs
Resource allocation and reliability for the transmission provider
A reliability insurance scheme for the electricity distribution grid
Survey of technologies and cost estimates for residential electricity services