The Economics of CO2 Storage

August 2003

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The following storage options were evaluated in this study:

For each option, the CO2 source is a nominal 500 MWe gross Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plant, operating at an 80 percent capacity factor. This plant delivers 7,389 tonnes of CO2 per day. Given this source of CO2, a baseline conceptual design was generated for each option. From the baseline conceptual design, capital and O&M costs, and an economic analysis with several figures of merits were developed. These were then used to develop sensitivity and life cycle analyses.

In the case of the ocean storage options, it is assumed that three IGCC power plants supply CO2 to a shoreline collection point. Based on this, the ocean storage systems need to be designed to handle three times the quantity of CO2, i.e. 22,167 tonnes of CO2 per day.

MITEI Author

Howard Herzog Senior Research Engineer

MIT Energy Initiative

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