
Journal articles

October 2020

Additive Manufacturing of Functional Microarchitected Reactors for Energy, Environmental, and Biological Applications

Seok Kim, Do Hyeog Kim, Wonpyo Kim, Young Tae Cho, Nicholas X. Fang


The use of microreactors in the continuous fluidic system has been rapidly expanded over the past three decades. Developments in materials science and engineering have accelerated the advancement of the microreactor technology, enabling it to play a critical role in chemical, biological, and energy applications. The emerging paradigm of digital additive manufacturing broadens the range of the material flexibility, innovative structural design, and new functionality of the conventional microreactor system. The control of spatial arrangements with functional printable materials determines the mass transport and energy transfer within architected microreactors, which are significant for many emerging applications, including use in catalytic, biological, battery, or photochemical reactors. However, challenges such as lack of design based on multiphysics modeling and material validation are currently preventing the broader applications and impacts of functional microreactors conjugated with digital manufacturing beyond the laboratory scale. This review covers a state-of-the-art of research in the development of some of the most advanced digital manufactured functional microreactors. We then the outline major challenges in the field and provide our perspectives on future research and development directions.


SK and NXF acknowledge support of a seed grant from the MIT Energy Initiative. NXF acknowledges support by the U. S. Army Research Office through the Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT, under Contract Number W911NF-13-D-0001. SK acknowledges the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-2019R1A5A808320112). DHK, WK, and YTC acknowledge support from the Technology Innovation Program (20007064, Realization of air cleaning mobility HAMA (superHydrophobic Additive Manufactured Air cleaner) Project funded by the Ministry of Trade, Industy and Energy (MOTIE, Korea) and all authors acknowledge support from the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE, Korea) under Industrial Technology Innovation Program (No. 20000665, Development of ecofriendly and highly durable surface treatment for superomniphobic substrate on the large area over 4 m2).

Research Areas
MITEI Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering