
Journal articles

June 2019

A decentralized biomass torrefaction reactor concept. Part II: Mathematical model and scaling law

Kevin S. Kung, Ahmed F. Ghoniem


In Part I of the study, we proposed a simplified biomass torrefaction moving bed reactor design capable of decentralized, small-scale, and mobile deployment operated under an oxygen-lean condition. We built and validated a laboratory-scale test reactor. In the present study, we develop a mathematical description of the reactor and show that it produces reasonable fit to our experimental data. Contrary to many existing biomass gasifier studies, we demonstrate that at the small test-reactor scale, heat loss mechanism through the side wall is significant and cannot be ignored in the modeling. We further demonstrated that at the small test-reactor scale, the rapid axial thermal conduction plays a role in the heat transfer within the moving bed. Furthermore, by interrogating the scaling behaviors of the reactor, we show that as we scale up our current laboratory-scale reactor, at the same torrefaction severity, the mass yield of the torrefied biomass is predicted to increase by 10–20%, due to the decrease in relative heat losses at a larger scale. This study, therefore, seeks to understand and quantify some of the limitations of testing a scaled-down reactor prototype. The understanding gained in this study can both inform scaling laws for at-scale reactor designs, as well as point out areas of future work in order to develop a higher-fidelity description.


The materials and equipment of work were funded by the MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design. In addition, KSK would like to acknowledge the MIT Tata Center Fellowship, the Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship, Robert and Patricia Switzer Fellowship, as well as the Legatum Fellowship for supporting his tuition and stipend as a doctoral student. The authors declare no competing interest.

Research Areas
MITEI Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering

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