What if it works?

All Episodes

Episode 11

The reality of capturing carbon with Howard Herzog

The Earth’s biological systems cannot keep up with the sheer scale of carbon that is being dumped into the atmosphere from human industrial systems, transportation, and more. So how can we remove it? Howard Herzog, a senior research engineer at the MIT Energy Initiative, lays out some of the cutting-edge ways to take carbon out of our world and helps us understand the challenges these technologies face.

February 26, 2025 - 36 min 36 sec

Episode 10

The environmental impact of “stuff” with Elsa Olivetti

All of our cars, planes, buildings, batteries are made of stuff—stuff that, when mined and manufactured, is responsible for over a third of global greenhouse gas emissions. MIT materials scientist Elsa Olivetti explains the environmental impact of materials and why it is critical that we make thoughtful choices at every stage of their lifecycle—from design to manufacturing to recycling—that further decarbonization to protect our planet and prevent unintended consequences.

February 12, 2025 - 37 min 50 sec

Episode 9

Why we should care about methane with Desirée Plata

Methane is the only greenhouse gas that will change the rate of warming in our lifetimes, according to MIT Professor Desirée Plata. So, why aren’t we talking about it more? Plata explains methane’s role in climate change and shares how she, perhaps counterintuitively, is accelerating the rate at which methane converts to carbon dioxide to help combat climate change.

January 29, 2025 - 40 min 29 sec

Episode 8

Unconventional paths to energy efficiency with Amos Winter

Large parts of the world don’t have access to energy. So how do we encourage cleaner sources when for many people that’s not the real priority? According to Amos Winter, a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, the key is to find solutions that allow people to do what they want but are by default better for the environment. He highlights the importance of understanding people’s lives when developing technologies and how these innovations might even have unforeseen implications for other communities across the world, helping us find new ways to power our lives with less energy required.

January 15, 2025 - 39 min

Episode 7

Why do so many renewable projects stall? with Larry Susskind

Larry Susskind, a professor of urban and environmental planning at MIT, often finds himself in the role of mediator between renewable energy project developers and the communities affected. And he says there is one big thing stopping these projects in their tracks: a lack of representation of local interest. Susskind helps us understand the challenges during this last mile to renewable energy implementation, how bringing communities to the table earlier can speed success, and how universities can help mediate this process.

December 30, 2024 - 47 min 18 sec

Episode 6

Putting a price on carbon with Catherine Wolfram

While the carbon tax has received a lot of negative publicity in the United States over the decades, more and more countries have been implementing carbon pricing schemes of their own. It raises the question, could carbon pricing be the cost of decarbonization? Economist Catherine Wolfram delves into economic policy and the many creative economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions, gives us a look at where things currently stand in the United States and abroad, and explores whether American carbon pricing might soon be feasible.

December 18, 2024 - 43 min 54 sec

Episode 5

The next four years of U.S. energy with Chris Knittel

President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to repeal key climate and energy legislation enacted under the Biden administration. What should we expect over the next four years and what will this mean for climate and energy policy beyond those? As the rest of the world continues to move forward in the energy transition, where does that leave the United States? MIT professor and economist Chris Knittel explains the potential short- and long-term climate and energy impacts of a Trump presidency.

December 4, 2024 - 41 min 29 sec

Episode 4

Rising to the climate challenge with Susan Solomon

Susan Solomon is a scientist known for her pioneering work explaining the hole in the ozone layer. And she believes that just as we solved that crucial environmental problem, we can also solve the great challenge of global temperature rise. She shares her three Ps for achieving success—when a problem becomes personal and perceivable, steering practical solutions—and reveals the tremendous power that you as the consumer really have.

November 20, 2024 - 44 min 33 sec

Episode 3

How to speed up the energy transition with William Green

The energy transition is happening—but why is it taking so long? We need to replace fossil fuels, but there is no one silver bullet. MIT Energy Initiative Director William Green explains why shifting to cleaner energy sources has been happening so slowly and how this process can move faster, and shares what university researchers, industry leaders, and policy makers are doing to accelerate the transition.

November 6, 2024 - 33 min 32 sec

Episode 2

Decarbonizing energy: The government’s role with Ernest Moniz

What is the role of government and policy in decarbonizing our energy systems? As the former U.S. Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz helps us understand what its role has been so far and what the government’s role can and should be in the future.

October 23, 2024 - 49 min 16 sec

Episode 1

Making the case for climate optimism with Robert Stoner

Climate anxiety is real—and if you are feeling it, you aren’t alone. Hosts Rob Stoner and Kara Miller are demystifying our current energy landscape, sharing what can be done and what solutions are already underway as we combat the climate crisis and eliminate the harmful emissions stemming from our global energy systems.

October 21, 2024 - 47 min 7 sec

Introducing What if it works?

Join us for a new podcast from the MIT Energy Initiative that talks with energy experts about the science, technology, and policies that can transform our energy systems and give us a more sustainable future. Coming October 23rd.

October 21, 2024 - 1 min 33 sec