
New undergraduate energy course accepting students

"Energy Management for a Sustainable Future," offered to undergraduates for the first time, satisfies the Energy Studies Minor requirements


Professor Harvey Michaels of MIT Sloan and the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research is offering “Energy Management for a Sustainable Future” to undergraduates for the first time. This course is approved for the Energy Minor. Students with an interest in energy and sustainability are encouraged to enroll.


15.S42 /11.S195 (J) (3-0-9) – Approved for Energy Minor

Energy Management for a Sustainable Future 

Enabling Building Energy Management…

… is the largest single component

of a sustainable climate solution!

T-Th 1:00 – 2:30

Room: 56-154

First Class: September 10

Learn about innovations and practice methods in: Building Technology, Smart Grid, Business/Policy

How to optimize home/building energy use with:

With Guest Lectures:  Leaders in Energy Management and Sustainability including Google/Nest, Tesla/Solar City, World Bank, MIT Profs. Sanjay Sarma, John Sterman, Les Norford, Tom Malone

Lead Instructor: Harvey Michaels  Lecturer, Energy Strategy MIT Sloan, MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research.  Founder/Former President of two leading energy efficiency and smart grid companies providing analytics/web systems, and building energy consulting services.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact instructor or TA:

Josh Lehman (MBA2, MIT Energy Club President)

Syllabus on Stellar:

Research Areas

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