
New Faculty in Engineering

Two of the twelve newest additions to the School of Engineering faculty focus on renewable energy

MIT News

Twelve new faculty members have been invited to join the ranks of the School of Engineering at MIT. Drawn from institutions and industry around the world, and ranging from distinguished senior researchers to promising young investigators, they will contribute to the research and educational activities of six academic departments in the school and a range of other labs and centers across the Institute.

“This year we are welcoming another exceptionally strong group of new faculty to engineering,” says Ian A. Waitz, Dean of the School of Engineering. “They are remarkably accomplished, and their research spans some of the most important and pressing challenges in the world. I can’t wait to see what they do.”

Juejun (JJ) Hu joined the faculty in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in January 2015 as an assistant professor and as the Merton C. Flemings Career Development Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. He comes to MIT from the University of Delaware, where he was a tenure-track assistant professor. Previously, he was a postdoc in MIT’s Microphotonics Center. As the Francis Alison Young Professor, Hu initiated and led research projects involving environmental monitoring, renewable energy, biological sensing, and optical communications. He received the 2013 Gerard J. Mangone Young Scholars Award, which recognizes promising and accomplished young faculty and is the University of Delaware’s highest faculty honor. His research is in three main areas: substrate-blind multifunctional photonic integration, mid-infrared integrated photonics, and 3-D photonic integrated circuits. Hu’s group has applied photonic technologies to address emerging application needs in environmental monitoring, renewable energy harvesting, communications, and biotechnology. He earned a BS in materials science and engineering from Tsinghua University, and a PhD from MIT.

Rafael Jaramillowill join the materials science and engineering faculty as an assistant professor and the Toyota Career Development Professor in Materials Science and Engineering in the summer of 2015. He has a BS summa cum laude and an MEng, both in applied and engineering physics, from Cornell University. He also holds a PhD in physics from the University of Chicago. Jaramillo is currently a senior postdoctoral fellow at MIT in the Laboratory of Manufacturing and Productivity (LMP). His interests in renewable energy and accomplishments in developing materials systems and techniques for energy applications led to him receiving the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Energy. Prior to his appointment in LMP, Jaramillo was a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University Center for the Environment. His research interests lie at the intersection of solid-state physics, materials science, and renewable energy technologies.

See the full list of bios at MIT News.

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