While the carbon tax has received a lot of negative publicity in the United States over the decades, more and more countries have been implementing carbon pricing schemes of their own. It raises the question, could carbon pricing be the cost of decarbonization? Economist Catherine Wolfram delves into economic policy and the many creative economic incentives to reduce carbon emissions, gives us a look at where things currently stand in the United States and abroad, and explores whether American carbon pricing might soon be feasible.
December 18, 2024 - 43 min 54 sec
The latest in energy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Listen to hand-picked articles from the MIT Energy Initiative covering the future of energy. Listen in your favorite podcast app:
The Energy@MIT podcast ran from 2018 to 2021, publishing 40 episodes on energy topics including nuclear, solar, storage, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity, with guests from academia, government, small startups, and large corporations. While the podcast is no longer being produced, the episode archive can be found below.