
Pairing MIT’s world-class research teams with industry and government to develop solutions to the world’s energy challenges.

MITEI’s members are critical in the energy innovation chain, linking MIT’s world-class research teams with innovators in industry and government to address pressing energy challenges and move solutions into the marketplace. Along with delivering valuable industry perspectives on current technology challenges, members offer research opportunities and critical funding for next-generation energy technologies and for the analysis of integrating these technologies into existing and future energy systems.

MITEI draws on MIT’s research capabilities, innovation, expertise, and experience to create successful industry collaborations that advance shared objectives and support the energy transition. A multi-tiered membership structure enables diverse private-sector entities to sponsor multidisciplinary “flagship” research programs with MIT faculty; engage in consortium-supported energy systems research; contribute to energy-focused labs and programs at MIT; fund vital energy fellowships; support innovative energy concepts from proposals solicited across the campus; and participate in MITEI’s seminars, lectures, and colloquia.

Founding and Sustaining Members

MITEI’s Founding and Sustaining Members support “flagship” energy research programs and projects at MIT to advance energy technologies to benefit their businesses and society.

Future Energy Systems Center Members

MITEI’s Future Energy Systems Center Members support integrative analysis of the entire energy system providing insights into the complex multi-sectorial transformations needed for the energy transition.

Startup Members

MITEI’s Startup Member class has been created for energy startups, designed to help them clear technology hurdles and advance toward commercialization by accessing the talent and facilities at MIT.

Associate Members

MITEI’s Associate Members, including all Future Energy Systems Center Members, support a range of MIT research consortia, education programs, and outreach activities together with multiple stakeholders from industry, government, and academia.

Affiliate Members

MITEI Affiliates are primarily individual donors and foundations that support MITEI’s energy- and climate-related activities across the Institute.

Taiwan’s Innovative Green Economy Roadmap (TIGER) Project

Taiwan’s Innovative Green Economy Roadmap (TIGER) consortium consists of ten Taiwanese corporations devoted to exploring the latest developments in the areas of advanced energy technologies, including hydrogen, energy storage, advanced nuclear, and carbon capture.

More about membership benefits

Membership Benefits

Membership Benefits
Founding Sustaining Future Energy Systems Center
Membership to the MITEI External Advisory Board (EAB)
Office at MITEI headquarters (optional)
Membership to the MITEI Governing Board
Research portfolio review meetings
Financial & qualitative reports on sponsored research
Participation in MITEI Annual Research Conference
Participation in Center focus area workshops
Participation in biannual Center Advisory Committee meeting
Participation in Center monthly webinars
Access to timely analysis from Center consortium-funded research
Participation in MITEI Spring Symposium
Membership to the Industrial Liaison Program
Contract & research management support
Early access to MITEI thought leadership studies ✓ **
Participation in MITEI-sponsored symposia, colloquia, and seminars
Member-Directed Research & Activities
Issue a call for proposals via Member Energy Research Fund (MERF)
Support in development of a sponsored research portfolio
Sponsorship of member-directed graduate Energy Fellows*** Multiple fellows One fellow
Collaborative Member Activities
Participation in the MITEI research seed fund
Contribute to shaping of Center consortium-funded research portfolio
Participation in multi member-directed research partnerships (at the discretion of the members)

* Only one member per year (rotating basis)
** If study supported by funds allocated by member
*** Based on current rates

Founding Members

Sustaining Members

Startup Members

Future Energy Systems Center Members

Associate Members

Affiliate Members

Adam L. Shrier SM ’60
Andrew A. Kimura ’84
Arvind and Shilpa Sanger 
Asociación Nacional de Empresas Generadoras
Aspen Technology
Bill Brown, Jr ’77
Cyril W. Draffin ’72, SM ’73
David L. desJardins ‘83
David L. Tohir ’79, SM ’82
David Wang ’00, MNG ’00
Doug Spreng ’65
MIT Club of South Texas
Patrik Edsparr PhD ’94
Paul and Matthew Mashikian
Philip Rettger ’80
Robert Marlay PhD ’83
S. Jones Fitzgibbons SM ’73 and Michael Fitzgibbons SM ’73
Stephen J. Fredette ’06 and Heather Fredette
William W. Vanderson ’99, MNG ’00 and Christina L. Gehrke ’99
William Wojeski ’71 and Karen Leider ’72

Learn more

To learn more about becoming a member, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.

    Name: *

    Email: *

    Title: *

    Company: *

    What aspects of membership are of greatest interest to you?