
Pablo Duenas-Martinez

Research Scientist
MIT Energy Initiative

Pablo Duenas-Martinez is a research scientist at the MIT Energy Initiative, research assistant professor at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, and a gas-electricity advisor for the Florence School of Regulation at the European University Institute. His research area embeds the economic and regulatory modeling and analysis, and the role of traditional and new generation technologies in shaping the energy systems of the future, in low- to high-income countries, within a carbon-constrained world. He has published on topics such as liberalization and regulation of gas and electricity markets, energy security of supply and resiliency in decarbonizing economies, impact of distributed energy resources, analysis and regulation for universal energy access, and mathematical modeling of energy systems. During his career, he has worked with energy companies, as well as government and regulatory agencies, on research projects and to provide advice aimed at improving operations and investments in energy systems worldwide. He has participated in research projects funded by major U.S. governmental agencies (NSF and ARPA-E), and in more than 30 research contracts, acting in three of them as principal investigator. He has more than 50 publications as JCR peer-reviewed papers, conference and non-JCR papers, technical reports and studies, and book chapters. He has presented in international conferences, and been invited as an expert to workshops organized by, among others, the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Energy Agency. He obtained his BS in industrial engineering, MS in electric power systems, and PhD in electrical engineering at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, Spain; and received a BS in economics from the National Distance Education University in Madrid, Spain.

Research Interests:
Decarbonization policy, Energy security, Electrification, Energy modeling, Tariff design, Energy systems integration

Research Areas