
Martin Fellows, 2012–2013

Building a community of scholars for sustainability

Education Office MITEI

The Martin Family Society of Fellows for Sustainability, established at MIT in 1996 through the generous support of the Martin Foundation, fosters graduate-level research, education, and collaboration in sustainability. The society supports and connects MIT’s top graduate students in environmental studies and fosters opportunities for multidisciplinary cooperation in both the short and long term.

D. Kwabena Bediako
Solar-driven water splitting as the basis for renewable energy conversion and storage

Matthew Branham
Mechanical Engineering
Fabricating light-trapping structures to enable thin-film silicon photovoltaics

Fabio Caiazzo
Aeronautics and Astronautics
Novel computation of climate and air quality impacts of aerosols and aerosol-cloud interactions

Fernando de Sisternes
Engineering Systems Division
Designing market rules for electric power systems with renewables

Wanli Fang
Urban Studies and Planning
Impacts of high-speed rail on China’s energy consumption and carbon emissions

Marcus Gibson
Characterizing enzymatic conversion for carbon dioxide emissions reduction and energy storage

Nicholas Macfarlane
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Understanding the mechanisms of anthropogenic noise exposure on marine mammals

Ronan McGovern
Mechanical Engineering
Tackling issues of sustainability in desalination and wastewater treatment

Canay Ozden
Science, Technology, and Society
Evaluating technical and behavioral implications of demand-side management for the electric grid

Atul Pokharel
Urban Studies and Planning
Understanding technology adoption in rural Nepalese agriculture

David Ramberg
Engineering Systems Division
Assessing system-wide impacts of fossil fuel conversion technologies

Todd Schenk
Urban Studies and Planning
Relationship between cross-sectoral cooperation and climate change risk management

Mark Smith
Evaluating genetic pathways that facilitate bio-mediation of uranium from nuclear waste sites

Mike Szulczewski
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Clarifying the storage capacity and lifetime of carbon capture and sequestration in the United States

Alexandra Patricia Tcaciuc
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
Developing an integrative approach for evaluating baseline toxicity in sediments

Gregory Thiel
Mechanical Engineering
Improving the efficiency of humidification-dehumidification systems for desalination and water treatment

Jiankang Wang
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Improving efficiency and reliability of modern power systems

Yuan Xiao
Urban Studies and Planning
Understanding the institutional dynamics and governance issues behind land use conflicts in China

Despina Zymnis
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Examining the impacts of large geothermal energy installations on soil and overlying structures

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